N2 Dance


Spring 2025 Session: Jan 21st - May 10th
Pre-registration deadline: Tue, Jan 14
(No registration fee if registration/payment received before this date)

If you have any questions regarding registration email us at info@n2-dance.com.

Performing- Will you be performing in our Spring Musical Production Fri, May 9, 7p and Sat, May 10, 3p?
Select an option

Payment Method (must be received by pre-registration deadline to avoid late registration fee)
Select an option

Liability Waiver: I certify that I am 18 years or older and am the student or legal guardian of the student registering on this registration form. I hereby assume the risk of any injuries and any loss of property that may occur while receiving instruction from or performing with N2 Dance. I will not hold N2 Dance, its instructors, or Paradise Performing Arts Center responsible for any personal injury or loss of property that may occur while receiving instruction from or performing with N2 Dance.*
Select an option

Media Waiver: I give permission for photos of myself/my child to be used with out compensation by N2 Dance for web pages and/or promotional purposes*
Select an option

After pressing "Submit" please proceed to the payment page (link on left) to make payment.